Monday, July 5, 2010


Well, as I have written before that this being my space I’ll scribble (type) whatever thoughts I go through… so just out of nowhere I started thinking about this person who is The HOD, CSE/IT! His name I won’t mention as it can put me into serious trouble ;) the most solid reason behind writing about him is that the kind of person he is! He is very much intelligent (academically/ non academically both) has got knowledge of almost every damn thing, be it programming language, be it books, be it mythology, be it astrology, be it face reading, be it match making, be it relations, be it life, be it death…phew! If you ever have any technical, practical, emotional, domestic, or even astrological difficulty you can straight away go and consult him. He will surely guide and convince you. If you can’t convince, confuse others this is what he truly believes in :)
Sheer confidence, awesome HR qualities and a good teacher- This is what he is! Whatever I’m today in this field called lectureship, I admit that 60% of the credit goes to him. The kind of qualities hidden inside me viz.:  communicative, initiative, logical, technical, public speaking, etc. etc. etc., he actually made me aware of those. C programming, the thing I was scared of, I started enjoying it only after the programs were forced on me. Anchoring, the thing I had never done before, he made me do it forcefully and I realized I am good at it :) leadership qualities hidden in me somewhere were recognized by him and many tasks were given to me to perform, which I managed to do successfully and never let him down.

Duffer, bhaitad, baawlat, change-mangu, santaji-dhanaji and Lady Amitabh Bacchan, these are some of the many nick names given to me by him! His trust, faith and at times forced activities are the things which made me confident, fearless and created an interest for teaching within me. Few bitter things happened… keeping all those memories aside I truly want to confess that I respect u SIR and will always continue doing it!

Thank you for everything…!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

How people changed…

People who praised you,
The same now abuse,
As the time moved,
How people changed.

People who supported you,
The same now betray,
As the time demanded,
How people changed.

People who loved you,                    
The same now hate,
As the time passed,   
How people changed.        
People are always needed,  
People come and stay,
For all the good happiness
And all the dirty plays.

We expect so much,
And so much we depend,
It’s so hard for us
To welcome life’s turns and bends.

Never our own mistakes are seen,
Never are they claimed,
And always we are eager to say,
“How people changed!”

-Deepali Kayande :)