Friday, October 26, 2012

Life is a Treasure Hunt

Life is a Treasure Hunt.
A game where each player hunts for a treasure!
But, here the Treasure is different for every individual.
Peace for some,
Love for many,
Passion for few and,
Money for all.
We get clues at every stage.
Which lead us either in the right or in the wrong direction.
Short cuts are not allowed.
All clues are linked and no by pass can be taken.
No one knows how many clues one needs to uncode!
No one knows the pains every clue will invite to reach the other.
No one knows...
Still all are playing!
In a hope to reach and grab the treasure one is seeking for...
Life is a treasure hunt,
A game not to be played in groups,
But only as Individuals!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Farewell Message for my 2008-12 Batch Students!!!

It’s hard to believe, time flew so fast…
It seems like yesterday and I wish it lasts…
Memories I have and memories you gave,
Will last forever in tides and waves…

You are going in a new world,
You are starting a new phase…
Many things you will get,
And Happiness will be chased…

Hope you don’t forget your aim,
And never forget your goal…
These are most important,
To have a mighty soul…

Lastly wishing you good-bye,
Giving you farewell,
Wish to see you successful,
Wish happiness always dwells! :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

And it happened AGAIN :(

Again my eyes dreamt of beautiful dreams…
Again my heart filled with the same feelings…
Again my lips captured their genuine smile,
And I thought I have the right…

He smiled, when I smiled…
He joked when I grinned…
He pacified my angers…
He comforted my sores…

But I was unaware my heart was repeating the same mistake…
Unaware of the pains ahead, my heart was walking the same path…
And yes, I was proved guilty!
And I faced a heart-break AGAIN :(

What was my mistake?
Only that I loved him?
Where did i go wrong?
Only that I dreamt my future with him?

My mind is numb,
And my heart is shattered…
Happiness I wanted,
And it was all that mattered…

But I guess; I’m not worth…
For Love luck laughter or any kind of mirth…
Sobs and tears is what all I deserve…
I have learnt my and emotions will now be preserved!!! :(