Saturday, April 23, 2011

Only for you...

Life has always been a challenge,
Life has always been a game,
My life had a void, before you came…

Days lived with you and all the nights spent,
Many words spoken but still few thoughts unsaid…
The time has always been beautiful and it will always be,
In my heart, my mind to give me smile and glee…

Meeting and parting is the phase of life,
This is what you have always said…
Yes, for me, meeting you was destined
But, I promise, parting will never be laid…

Days will go and nights will pass,
Months will disappear and years will fall
The distance will fly the gaps will wither
Destiny will bring us close to be happy together…

I pray to God today and always,
To bestow on us His shower of love and gaze…
Dreams we have seen and plans we have made,
I wish He blesses us and gifts everything unsaid…

You have new hopes, you have new plans,
Remember I am always there to hold your hand…
If ever you are low, if ever you fall,
I will be the first to come and make you feel tall…!!!