Monday, September 12, 2011

♥ is such a PAIN!!!

I wanted love, I wanted comfort
I wanted sense of belonging
Which I never got…

I wanted time, I wanted hugs
I wanted to talk
But, this, I never received…

15 minutes from 24 hrs,
This was my expectation
Sadly it never got fulfilled…

All his promises, all happiness
All glee
Disappeared after too much of love spree…

I wept, I yelled
I also abused
And I was taken so wrong…

My anger, my screams
My slangs
Were the things he always undergone…

But my tears, my needs
My wants
Always remained untouched…

How am I, how is my behaviour
What are my reactions?
All these emotions were always fucked up…

I should do this,
I should do that
Were the things always hammered on me…

I felt like dying
I wanted to suicide
Was my heart’s constant plea…

Alas! I could not dare,
But then,
I took a weapon
And I carved PAIN
On my hand instead…

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