Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I think about the past, I cry on it,
For me it becomes hard to accept the defeat.

Whether I’m right or whether I’m wrong,
This single question hunts me on and on.

It’s just a fortnight past I was someone else,
Today at life’s crossroads I feel as I have failed.

Decisions were made and decisions are taken,
Dreams felt fulfilled now dreams feel broken.

People whom I loved the same I betrayed,
These thoughts rushed my mind and there they stayed.

Still dilemma pricks me still I feel mislaid,
Still I recall my deeds and hear the things unsaid.

I wish God supports me on my headed way,
I hope He blesses me and give me strength to repay.

I wish people forgive and will understand me,
Reasons that made me decide one day they will see.

Great value and importance I give all of them,
As they are the only reason for creating this beautiful gem!

-Deepali Kayande :)


I’m feeling a feeling
that everyone feels,
Of joys, of sorrows,

of happiness and dreams…
Every time I wake up
every time I sleep,
It’s only you,
your thoughts I nurture in deep…

-Deepali Kayande :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My first 3D experience… AVATAR!

In Movie Theaters: December 18, 2009
Directed by: James Cameron
Starring: Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Wes Studi, C.C.H. Pounder, Michelle Rodriguez.
Genres: Drama, Action, Adventure, Thriller, Sci-Fi, 3D.

Since my childhood, as every kid is fascinated with the 3D effects of the movies, so was I! but sadly I couldn’t watch Chota Chetan, the first 3D movie of India… so since then it was an erge inside me to watch some good 3D movie… which was finally fulfilled with avatar… watched it on 23rd April’10. 7:30 to 10:00 pm show at Cinemax, Burdi, Nagpur!
The reason behind writing this experience on my blog is that, this movie actually laid an impact on my mind… its story, its direction, its effects, its characterization, the color effects… etc etc etc… it was all very beautiful…

Just to always have the things fresh in my memories, I wanted to keep my thoughts written somewhere… and my blog was just the right place for it :) The story described below is a mixture of my own thoughts + some help from
On the distant moon Pandora, a reluctant hero embarks on a journey of redemption, discovery and unexpected love - as he leads a heroic battle to save a civilization. The story’s protagonist, Jake Sully, is an ex-Marine who was wounded and paralyzed from the waist down in combat on Earth. In order to participate in the Avatar program, which will give him a healthy body, Jake agrees to travel to Pandora, a lush rainforest environment filled with incredible life forms – some beautiful, many terrifying. Pandora is also the home to the Na’vi, a humanoid race that lives at what we consider to be a primate level, but they are actually much more evolved than humans. Ten feet tall and blue skinned, the Na’vi live harmoniously within their unspoiled world. But as humans encroach on Pandora in search of valuable minerals, the Na’vi’s very existence is threatened – and their warrior abilities unleashed.Jake has unwittingly been recruited to become part of this encroachment. Since humans are unable to breathe the air on Pandora, they have created genetically-bred human-Na’vi hybrids known as Avatars. The Avatars are living, breathing bodies in the real world, controlled by a human driver through a technology that links the driver’s mind to the Avatar body. On Pandora, through his Avatar body, Jake can be whole once again. Moreover, he falls in love with a young Na’vi woman, Neytiri, whose beauty is matched by her ferocity in battle. As Jake slides deeper into becoming one of her clan, he finds himself caught between the military-industrial forces of Earth, and the Na’vi – forcing him to choose sides in an epic battle that will decide the fate of an entire world.
Conceived 14 years ago and over four years in the making, "Avatar" breaks new ground in delivering a fully immersive, emotional story and reinvents the moviegoing experience.

Friday, June 25, 2010

my blog template...

well well well... finally i liked this look of my blog :) since the moment i have created my blog, i was searching for some good layout for it! rather i was searching for something which will best suit the ideas and stuff i live with :) and finally... i got it! i know i'll change my mind soon n so my layout... but as of now its good n m happy :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


just wandering, surfing and googling... found an awesome poem which i felt like sharing on my blog... its true and holds a gr8 meaning of life :)

Author: Gerardo Ebrado Genio, Philippines
Categories: Inspirational Poems, Motivational Poems & Life Poetry
At the dawn of my life,
the world was good and bright,
I always cry at night, holding my mother tight.
So I thought that my world was no more than a cotton swing
Then I learned to crawl, and faced a new horizon ...

I roamed around our home, recognizing my grandma and papa,
I used to break glasses, turn things upside down.
So I thought that my world was no more than an old wooden house
Then I learned to walk, and faced a new horizon ...

I played with children of my age, our joy cannot be gauged.
But life is not bunch of taunting games nor a contest of fame.
So I realized that my world is not just a noisy rocky playground.
I went to school, and faced a new horizon ...

I learned how to read and in solving puzzles I lead.
Knowledge like a seed brings prosperity indeed.
But knowledge is not fully packed inside a four-walled university,
I joined expeditions, and faced a new horizon ...

Though like a vagabond, in adventures I respond.
My sightings and readings correspond, I saw lovely creatures bond.
Curiosity quenched is knowledge gained, knowledge gained serenity begot.
So I thought I finally faced the last horizon!

But Curiosity is a inexhaustible blazing frantic fire,
Its patience a tiny grain of sand, its enthusiasm is that of a universe!
It gives peace of mind to those who follow it, and drives all those who resist it crazy.
Then I feel that there is more in heaven and in earth for me to witness,
So here I am again, facing new sets of horizon!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

emotional turmoil... rite or wrong!

well... dunno am i doing rite or wrong :( still m in a big emotional dilemma that whether my decision on the practical grounds is correct or again i have made a fuss!! i cant forgive myself for betraying my students in mid of their session... dunno d way m so much attached with all of them, do they share the same feeling for me... being practical is OK but i just hope i did not get selfish n took the decision... ruining the students' career for my own... rite or wrong! dunno....

The first one :)

hmmm.... frankly speaking m not at all good at writing n all, but these days as the blog thing is quite IN, so i also thought of having a blog of mine :) anyways...

i have actually created this blog to scribble(type) all my random thoughts that i go through always... d way i scribble in my PD (personal diary)...

no intentions i have to get maximum followers or something... this space is just for myself n the inner me... i hope i'll continue writing here, n i hope i wont get bore of blogging the way i got on ibibo :( couldn't actually continue there n deleted all my posts... anyways!

happy blogging to myself :)