Wednesday, June 23, 2010


just wandering, surfing and googling... found an awesome poem which i felt like sharing on my blog... its true and holds a gr8 meaning of life :)

Author: Gerardo Ebrado Genio, Philippines
Categories: Inspirational Poems, Motivational Poems & Life Poetry
At the dawn of my life,
the world was good and bright,
I always cry at night, holding my mother tight.
So I thought that my world was no more than a cotton swing
Then I learned to crawl, and faced a new horizon ...

I roamed around our home, recognizing my grandma and papa,
I used to break glasses, turn things upside down.
So I thought that my world was no more than an old wooden house
Then I learned to walk, and faced a new horizon ...

I played with children of my age, our joy cannot be gauged.
But life is not bunch of taunting games nor a contest of fame.
So I realized that my world is not just a noisy rocky playground.
I went to school, and faced a new horizon ...

I learned how to read and in solving puzzles I lead.
Knowledge like a seed brings prosperity indeed.
But knowledge is not fully packed inside a four-walled university,
I joined expeditions, and faced a new horizon ...

Though like a vagabond, in adventures I respond.
My sightings and readings correspond, I saw lovely creatures bond.
Curiosity quenched is knowledge gained, knowledge gained serenity begot.
So I thought I finally faced the last horizon!

But Curiosity is a inexhaustible blazing frantic fire,
Its patience a tiny grain of sand, its enthusiasm is that of a universe!
It gives peace of mind to those who follow it, and drives all those who resist it crazy.
Then I feel that there is more in heaven and in earth for me to witness,
So here I am again, facing new sets of horizon!

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