Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Beautiful Mind...

Do not expect... expectations hurt!!! almost everyone and everybody knows this... but do we really stop expecting even after we are aware of this fact??? or just ask, can we actually stop expecting??? and the answer is no... we actually cant and will never stop expecting!!! I'll put it this way, that if we love someone and wan that person to do something for us, as we are worth it, then why should we stop expecting??? we are humans and not aliens or god!!! but yes, the degree or the extent to which we should extend our emotions and expectations is the matter of discussion... well, that should be taken care of!!! but, Do not expect... expectations hurt!!! this saying is a strict no no for me :)

rather I'll say, Expect and demand from your loved ones, it helps you strengthen the relationship!!! only the thing we have to take care of is the degree of demands we put forth...!!! so... little of everything is never harmful, similarly little of expecting is always useful :)
Expecting... should never hurt :)

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