Thursday, October 6, 2011

आज दिल नाराज है...

आज दिल नाराज है...
कुछ कहना चाहता है...
पर डर रहा है शायद...
डर रहा है फिर उन जज्बातों को लेकर...
डर रहा है, कही फिर ना कमजोर पड़ जाये...
डर रहा है कही फिर आँखें ना नम हो जाये...
याद  कर रहा है दिल उन बीती बातों को...
जो तुम कह कर चल दिए...
याद आ रही है वो सारी यादें...
जो तुमने दी और खुद भूल भी गए...
सुनाई दे रही है वो सारी आवाजें...
जिन्हें दिल चाहकर भी भुला नहीं सकता...
महसूस हो रहे है वो सरे दिन वो सारी यादें...
जिन्हें दिल ठुकरा नहीं सकता...
रो तो मेरा दिल रहा है...
पर बदनाम आँखें हो रही है...

आज दिल फिर नाराज था...
फिर कुछ कहना चाहता था...
पर फिर से रात आकर जा रही है...
दिल फिर कुछ ना कहते हुए रो रहा है...
सिलसिला ये चलेगा ना जाने कब तक...
ना जाने कब तक दिल नाराज रहेगा...
ना जाने कब तक कुछ कहना चाहेगा...
ना जाने कब तक...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Love, breakup, life…

Love, breakup, life…

Three different words but certainly linked with each other…
I have experienced all three… from really very close!

Love… the most beautiful feeling I had… he made me feel so special… so loved and so much wanted… whatever he said whatever he did, it was all so different and so dear to me… yes I loved him and he loved me… life was beautiful, full of smiles and fun… life was hopeful… full of joys and glee… yes I loved him! Start of our relationship… facing all hurdles together… promising each other to be together forever… to be together in all ups and downs… holding each other’s hand looking in each other’s eyes… dreaming of future… a lovely future with all lovely things happening around… enjoying silence… enjoying the company… enjoying the feeling of just being together… yes it was ♥… true I felt so… true love I believed in!

Breakup… the most hurting feeling I had… he made me feel so neglected… so much hatred and so much unwanted… whatever he said whatever he did, it was all so different and so disliked by me… yes I hate him and he hates me… life is ugly, full of grins and blues… life is hopeless… full of cries and tears… yes he hates me! End of our relationship… facing all the blames alone… promising each other never to see each other again… to forget each other… to hate each other… killing all the wishes… killing all the dreams… silence which we enjoyed, kills now… company which we liked irritates now… being together is the last thing we wish… yes it is an end… end of ♥… end of something which I think we never had or shared….

Life… the only reality… whatever comes our way, the only thing which we have with us is our life… till our last breathe… from the experiences, love and breakup… the thing remained with me without any demands is my life! Life which I enjoyed when he was with me… life which I hated when he broke up with me… my behaviour towards my life changed and keeps on changing always, but life never changed its behaviour towards me… so if the man for him I did not respect my life cares nothing and has nothing to do with my emotions then why should I hurt my life for him? Why should I disrespect my life for someone who never was with me… these are my thoughts at this moment… but I know again this will change… dunno when… till then, I wish I do not wish for anything… till then I dream my dreams are not shattered… till then I pray my prayers are heard!!!

♥ you Zindagi…

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Will he return?

I breathe but I am not alive
I smile but I am not happy
I work but I am not ambitious
I yell but I am not sad
I eat I drink
I play I sing
I clap I cry
I wish I try
I am me
But I am not myself anymore
I blame but I do not mean
I accept but I still grin
I want him back I know he does not
I want to ask I want to fight
But I know it will never happen
I know I have lost him
But have I really lost him?
Will he really not return?

After Effects...

...come back...
With the lonely nights with the empty dreams, I start my life afresh…
With a heavy heart with my shut eyes, I yell out the mental thresh…

I dunno will I be strong enough, I dunno will I be bold…
I dunno will my steps take me to the way I have not yet been told…

Many things I had imagined, many wishes I had asked…
But somewhere someday something went wrong, and my life slept off my grasp…

Thud! I fell and my eyes opened from the unreal dreams and from the world of illusions…
Thoughts are clear and now clear are all fake confusions…

Now I have nobody; not even my dreams along…

I head towards a new path all my own, wishing to rectify all that has went wrong!!!